Monday, September 26, 2011

Pumpkin Time

Pumpkin season starts Saturday which means that this is the week I lose my mind.  I made 12 pumpkin rolls over the weekend to get us a little bit ahead. It had been about a dozen years since I last made them with my friend Debbie. We said we would never ever in our lifetimes make them again...and we meant it. It was a mess. We had ended up covered in flour, dripping with pumpkin. Our hair was frosted with powdered sugar. The cakes stuck to the pan. They didn't roll up.  
It was 12 years ago and we both decided that no matter how many our baker could make, no matter how much she charged, we would never ever even think about doing it again.  And we didn't... until now. But here is where my story merges with someone else's and I'll just have to plead the the fifth. At least I have a system. It was mess least as mess free as I get. They look good, taste great. I'll be the midnight pumpkin baker this year. 
I love the whole pumpkin cider, flannel shirts, painting pumpkins, hayrides, wandering thru the maze and picking sunflowers, watching little ones search for the magic pumpkin, and just hanging out at the farm and visiting with friends.  Pumpkin season also means that my house is a bigger mess than usual and we eat too many hot dogs and BBQs. There isn't time to cook anything that doesn't have pumpkin it and we are usually pretty much worn out by the end of the month. But, October 1-31 is full of magic.                                          
 Come visit the pumpkin farm
Pumpkin time friends, I'm looking forward to seeing you on the farm! Peace and love, Krista
Belmont Pumpkin Farm