Saturday, July 24, 2010

A duck conversation with a camper

The geese at Beaverdam. No duck shots.
We did a nature camp with 5-8 year olds this week at Beaverdam Park. Chasing ducks and geese quickly became the main activity for a few of the campers...but some of them shared some pretty funny stories about ducks of they once had. Once HAD...yes, even the little ones know that ducks are messy, and not all that fun to keep at home. I shared one of my duck stories with a rising first grader...

Camper: We used to have ducks, but we had to get rid of them...they're messy.
Me: Noah and I had ducks too.  The followed us everywhere, but they they really liked to just hang out on our porch.
Camper: They probably pooped there too.
Me: Yeah, so one day we decided to move them to our farm across the street where there is a nice big pond. At the house they only had a kiddie pool. They swam around and seemed to like their new home, but guess what?
Camper: What?
Me: The next day they flew back home.
Camper: So you got stuck with the poop again?
Me: Well, we clipped some feathers so they couldn't fly so well, and we took them back to the pond. But guess what?
Camper: What?
Me: The next day, I was sitting on the front porch when I saw them walking down the driveway. They just walked home.
Camper: Oh, I know, so you cut off their feet. Can I have some lemonade?

I never got a chance to say that we didn't cut off their feet.

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