Monday, November 21, 2011

Kiwi, kiwi, kiwi

Noah wants a full-time job as a kiwi picker.  He picked 2 5 gallon buckets full.
Sliced fresh kiwi. Kiwi through the juicer. Kiwi and yogurt smoothies. Kiwi popsicles...Help...How do you like your kiwi?


  1. WAit... you guys have KIWI growing in your yard? I had no idea this was something that could grow around here! Would love to hear more about these especially since they're usually so expensive. Well, I guess it isn't so much as they're expensive as it is that I always seems to get the rock-hard ones that never get eaten, therefore the money is wasted.

    But I LOVE kiwi. Just by themselves, they're fantastic.

  2. Best Value is selling them for sixty nine cents each.

    I'd love to buy local kiwi (that really sounds like an oxymoron) and still can't believe such a thing exists!
