Friday, February 17, 2012

It's official.

It's official.
I am a liberal-heretic. Heretic-liberal. Whichever way that goes.
That's me.
I don't believe in any hell of God's doing...just the one we create here...when we should be practicing love.

I think a woman should have control of her own body.
I think it is demeaning when men and other women think they have better insight into a woman's life than she has herself.
I think all of these personhood amendments will open Pandora's box...the hypocrisy of the "conservative" small government in relation to the aftermath of personhood...
The non-invasive vaginal probe ultrasound?? Really. C'mon, people.

So go ahead...Attack my faith.
Attack my views on politics and gender.
Show me how restricting contraception and access to abortion helps the poor.
I'm really good at deleting hate mail.

I'm sorry about your problems with tax payer funds getting used to help educate and support poor women...
I don't like mine supporting wars which murder innocents...You see, I have pro-life leanings as well.
Apples and oranges?
Dig deeper.
Think harder.
Run the movie out...It's in black and white...especially for you.

There are some choices that are so personal  and so profoundly difficult, that they must be made only by the individual and her God.

Peace and love, Krista


  1. Times like these arouse bitter anger in me. They never had me fooled and now they have outed themselves. Stay mad and get even.

    Women and blacks should know nothing has changed. Nothing. The bigots are just better disguised. Religion is an advocate of subjugating women to the backseat of the car while the men continue to rule.

    Accept this and strike a blow when you can. You will not change things ever.

    1. A friend got it so right when she asked "When did the aliens get here?"
      It's like brains have been removed.
