Sunday, February 19, 2012

without edges

It was an edgy, busy week...
but the farm animals are not so critical.
One of Noah's bunnies. I tried to capture both of them...
the other is a lion-faced rabbit, but not so much interested
 in having his picture taken

Regal Hennie. She is sweet, but hopelessly
 in love with the little white rooster
...and she nearly strangled the other
hen in a fit of jealousy.
My mom put her in time out

Of course, our new pup, Henry is not a farm animal...
but he got in this group of pictures and I just won't delete him

Peanut, the pygmy goat. We love her.She is hard to photograph
 because she always wants to get too close to the lens.

Two of our three sheep. Sundae (black and white) started
out as Noah's 4-H project. The gal in front was purchased
 to keep Sundae company.

I could watch the ducks in the pond for hours.
 My two favorites are a pair of Indian Runner ducks,
but they must have been busy running instead of swimming

The chicken convention.  They successfully hid their eggs
 for the better part of a week, but we found them
yesterday along with a turkey egg.

The sign is back up...much thanks to Westly...
who happened by as we were struggling to hoist it up.

It's Sunday. There are rumors of snow.
Hot chocolate.
Reading with Noah
(he's reading Steinbeck)
baking cookies with my grandma's xtra special oatmeal cookie recipe
Sometimes it's really nice to get rid of the edges.

Have a great week. -K


  1. They're all so beautiful!

    How do you keep predators away from the ducks? No matter what I did something got them.

    1. They stay in a small area with a fenced pond. This year we've been lucky...but last year we weren't so fortunate.

  2. Love all these pictures. Do you still have the donkey? I remember seeing one back near 2001/2002 when my daugher was young.

    The sign is back up!

    Here's hoping we get snow up to the windowsills.

  3. No donkey...although Noah is hard at work on Gramma to get a donkey or an alpaca by pumpkin time.
