Thursday, January 19, 2012

I fixed it!

For the average person it's probably no big deal, but for's huge.
My blog has been doing some wacky things...deleting posts...refusing to let me comment on my own post, not allowing a second comment, not allowing me to post as myself...yes, I've had to be anonymous on my own page. The vanishing post problem doesn't really break my heart (I've written numerous blogs that really ought to evaporate), but the comment thing has been driving me mad.
So I googled a fix...lots of instructions about locating and changing html code. For me lots of instructions always elicits the knee jerk no-way reaction. I can't focus on a piece of the instructions because my brain can't wrap around the whole. So I put it off, and put it off some more, all the time feeling like I couldn't focus on anything...because I was so focused on the problem (if this happens to you on a frequent basis, seriously consider talking to someone about ADD. That's a blog for another time. Hey, I just saw a shooting star.
So after many weeks (which could have been days or hours), I tried the fix. I attempted surgery on my blog. I opened dashboard, clicked on design, clicked on edit html, expanded some ridiculous widget, found the string of code I was to find, replaced it with new code. Found some CSS long string of something, replaced that with something else, hit save template...and then noticed I should have saved a copy of the original template first...oops...crossed my fingers and hit view blog... and...presto change-o... now I've got two comment boxes on top of each other, neither which work! And the whole page is jammed up. The thought of re-reading the instructions and trying again...well, just too much for my brain. So I hit the button for default template, not even knowing what that would do, not really knowing what my default template even was...
Well, it worked. The comment box worked. At least it did for a minute. I 'll have to wait and see...but if you are here...please leave a comment, or just say hello...and if you ever have this trouble with blogger, I'd say go for that default button and a glass of wine right off the bat.
I've solved a problem today. I did other things too--magic tricks teaching light to 5th graders (if anyone has a black magicians hat you would like to donate...), followed by a full service school meeting where I volunteered help in a sewing class (my co-worker, Jackie will kill me as she sews and I don't) and I also said I would make 50 coursages (spelled wrong, I'm certain) for the father daughter dance that the FSS committee sponsors. I made dinner, did laundry, helped Noah with homework...and now we are going to chill.
Peace and love- K


  1. Good job!

    Boy do I feel your pain on the instructions/attention issue front. Saw this on Facebook today and loved it:

    "Ask me about my attention deficit disorder or pie or my cat. A dog. I have a bike.Do you like TV? I saw a rock. Hi."

    Hope your problems are solved, at least those relating to the blog. Look! Shooting star...

  2. Yes that is so me...and if I wasn't so distracted in the doctor's office I might alctually get medicated...but this week I even forgot my appointment again. Last year upon meeting me...and without my saying a word...she said we'll talk about your ADD next visit...I've seen her a number of times since...and each time I forget...and then I usually leave my drivers licence or phone or book in her office...
