Sunday, January 22, 2012

Waiting for snowflakes

Just pictures of last year's winter wonderland...
Wishing the dreary drizzly gray of January would pass quickly by.
On to February and the possibility of freshly fallen snow.
Making angels and snowmen...
Dodging snowballs
Punctuated by hot cocoa
The accidental burning of the seat of the longjohns
standing too close to the fire...
and snowballs in the freezer
waiting for a victim.

C'mon snow.
(and I really am one who is so much more in love with tropical weather)


  1. I'd much rather have snow than rain in winter. If it's going to be dreary and depressing (and cold) there may as well be snow.

    It was so cold today I thought for sure we'd get some. Alas, nothing.

  2. Snow is my favorite flavor of weather! The weatherman does not give me any hope. Maybe if we wish really hard...
