Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My medical calculations

Without insurance I would pay:

Insulin and needles for me, monthly $650
Testing supplies, monthly $50
Medication for Noah, monthly $165 (add $125 during allergy season)
4 Diabetes check-ups yearly...I don't know
4 A1C Tests yearly...I don't know
Colonoscopy every 5 years because my mom is a survivor and my grandad wasn't..I don't know
Well checkups for Noah...I don't know
Sick visits for Noah...I don't know...except one time someone forgot to enter my insurance info at the pharmacy and his antibiotic rang up at $264.00

In other words, I would be choosing between health and a roof over our heads and food on the table... If i didn't choose health, Noah would have a short-time mother. I can not choose not to take it and live long enough to see his story unfold.

I have a personal stake in this healthcare mess. I also know there are many with diabetes who make the choices I avoid today.

This isn't the piece of legislation that I had hoped for once upon a time. It isn't a done deal. I remain optimistic about the direction of our great country. I don't think that bringing affordable healthcare to the masses diminishes us as a nation.