Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dear Hasbro

Dear Hasbro,
You should make your toys in the U.S.A. instead of China. I really like the Star Wars toys that you make, but now my mom won't buy anything made in China and so now I won't be able to get any more and I am a big fan of Star Wars. My mom says that Americans need jobs and that is why she won't buy anything made in China, and I am a big fan of Star Wars. If you don't bring your factories back to America, I won't be able to buy a single Star Wars Action figure or any figure you make. I won't get any action figures for my birthday, Christmas, or Easter because my mom is boycotting China. So please make Hasbro toys in the U.S.A. again.
Noah B.

--A letter from my boy.


  1. Wow - this is an unexpected (for me anyway) result from the China boycott. I was thinking about food, clothing, toiletries, etc. but completely forgot about toys.

    Noah, you should send your letter to Hasbro, really. I think you have a very strong case.

  2. I didn't consider his toys either. :-) Let this be a warning for other parents...never suggest that your kid check out Made in America toys online...It only exacerbates the problem...
    Alternatively, don't boycott at times when plastic junk is needed!
